Coaching Solutions for Leaders and Transitioning Executives Who Wish to Engage, Align and Inspire to Accomplish Organization Goals

Life Acumen Executive Coaching is a high-impact program for managers, transitioning executives and high-potential leaders who want to rapidly advance their capabilities and drive results for their organization. Our program focuses in real time on an executive’s critical business challenges. Our bespoke modules help in clarifying options, focusing energy and assisting the leaders in synergizing their skills, values and purpose with organization goals.

Executive Coaching Benefits

Executive Coaching benefits the executive and the organization. The executive maximizes personal potential and the organization derives benefit from the improved effectiveness of its leader. Executive coaching outcomes include:

  • Better self-awareness
  • Positive behavioural shifts resulting in increased personal effectiveness
  • More inclusive thinking and consequently better decision making
  • Strengthening relationships with key colleagues and stakeholders
  • Greater clarity in communicating style
  • Improved leadership effectiveness
  • Building a leadership brand inside/outside the company

Build High Performance Culture

The challenges of an organization in the 21st century have grown exponentially. Customers, employees, shareholders, board members, regulators and communities often present conflicting demands on an organization. There is a growing recognition of the need for highly effective leadership teams to meet the demands placed on a modern organization. Synergizing leadership teams with coaching and cohesive time on the ground is essential for a team’s success.